IOER staff by unit of organisation


Olfert, Alfred, Dipl.-Geograph - Scientific Assistant to the Director

Kusnez, Lilija, Master International Business - Assistant to the Director ­
Hofmann, Saskia, M.A. Economics and French - Assistant knowledge transfer and networking ­

Head of Knowledge Integration Hub: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Schanze
Moser, Michael Louis, Dr. phil. – Scientific Coordinator CoARA Working Group Transdisciplinarity / Scientific Coordinator „Leibniz Lab Network“
Samartzidis, Lasare, M.Sc. Economics – Scientific Coordinator „Leibniz Lab Systemic Sustainability”
Shehayeb, Raghid, M.Sc. Integrated Water Resources Management – Scientific Coordinator „Leibniz Research Network Earth and Societies"

Head of Knowledge Transfer: Dr. phil. Anna-Maria Schielicke
Hensel, Heike, Dipl.-Journalist - Media and Public Relations

Head of IOER Research Data Centre: Dr. rer. oec. Maria Nieswand
Scientific Coordinator Dresden Leibniz Graduate School: Dr. phil. Nora Gortcheva
Sustainability Manager: Jathe, Stella, M.Sc. Global Business & Sustainability ­

Research Management
Borad, Subhashchandra, Master of Computer Application - Research Information System ­
Bzdurek, Annette, Dipl.-Ing. - Research Management Officer
Della Chiesa, Stefano, Dr. - Research Data Steward
Dürkoop, Anke, Dr. rer. nat. - Research funding and networking ­

Research Area Transformative Capacities

Interdisciplinary Centre for Transformative Urban Regeneration (IZS)
Research Group Sustainable Economic Dynamics and Innovation

Head of Research Area: Dr. rer. pol. Markus Egermann 

Kraatz, Christina ­
Hauck, Sarah (IZS) ­

Head of IZS: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Knippschild
Head of Research Group: Prof. Dr. sc. pol. Artem Korzhenevych

Alimov, Naufal, Dr. of Science Economics and Business Administration
Deutscher, Sarah, Master of Arts
Dunkel, Alexander, Dr.-Ing.
Ehnert, Franziska, Dr. rer. pol.
George Kaliaden, Ritu, M.Sc. International Cooperation and Urban Development
Gläsel, Astrid, Master Political Science
Janssen, Gerold, Prof. Dr. jur.
Kögler, Annica, M.Sc. Raumentwicklung und Naturressourcenmanagement
Kügler, Vanessa, M.Sc. Stadt- und Regionalplanung ­
Maiwald, Linda, M.Sc. Sustainable Development
Marr, Sabine, M.A. Transformationsstudien
Morris, Jonathan, PhD and Master of International Financial and Political Relations
Novikova, Marina, Dr.
Pagels, Agnieszka, Dipl.-Kauffrau ­
Peter, Daniel -TUD/IOER, M.A. Soziologie
Reiß, Kristin, Dr. rer. nat. ­
Rößler, Stefanie, Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. Landscape Architecture
Rothamel, Julia, M.Sc. ­­
Samartzidis, Lasare, M.Sc. Economics
Wittig, Sandra, Ass. jur.
Ying, William, M.Sc. Integrated Natural Resource Management
Zöllter, Constanze, Dr. rer. nat.

Research Area Landscape, Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Research Group Urban Human-Nature Resonance

Head of Research Area: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Wende

Office: Kraatz, Christina ­

Head of Research Group: Dr. rer. nat Martina Artmann

Albrecht, Juliane, Dr. jur. - Ombudsperson for safeguarding good scientific practice at IOER
De Castro Mazarro, Alejandro, Dr. Arch.
Diagayété, Mariam Anna, M.Sc. Umweltwissenschaften / Dipl. Konferenzdolmetscherin
Dworczyk, Claudia, Dr. rer. nat. ­
Grunewald, Karsten, Dr. habil.
Harms, Philip, M.Sc. Raumentwicklung und Naturressourcen
Hemingway, Jessica, Dr.
John, Henriette, Dr. rer. nat.
Joshi, Neelakshi, Dr.
Lintz, Gerd, Dr. rer. pol.
Meier, Sophie, M.Sc. International Environmental Studies
Namatama, Nathan, Master of Regional Development Planning and Mangement
Ramisch, Mabel, M.Sc. Raumentwicklung und Naturressourcen
Syrbe, Ralf-Uwe, Dr. rer. nat.
Tran, Thuc Han, Dr. phil.
Woiwode, Christoph, Dr. phil.
Xiao, Suili, Dr. Urban Forestry

Research Area Built Environment - Resources and Environmental Risks

Research Group Anthropogenic and Natural Resources

Head of Research Area: Dr.-Ing. habil. Regine Ortlepp
Office: Knechtel, Antje ­

Head of Research Group: Dr.-Ing. Georg Schiller

Blum, Andreas, Dipl.-Soz.  
Bullinger, Katharina, M. Sc. Business Management
Diemer, Anna, B.A. Architecture
Drosky, Maralda, M.Sc. Raumentwicklung und Naturressourcenmanagement
Friedrich, Katja, Dr.-Ing. Architect
Gao, Xiaoxue, Raumsoziologie (Ph.D.)
Grießbach, Ulrike, Dipl.-Ing.  ­
Gruhler, Karin, Dipl.-Ing. Architektur
Habeeb, Riyan, Dr.-Ing.
Hennersdorf, Jörg, Dipl.-Volkswirt ­
Hutter, Gérard, Dr. rer. nat. - Ombudsperson for safeguarding good scientific practice at IOER
Nath, Subhashree, MSc. Integrated Urban Development and Design
Neuber, Eric, M.Sc. Stadtplanung ­
Neubert, Marco, Dr. rer. nat.
Neumann, Ina, Dipl. Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH)
Roscher, Julia, Dipl.-Sociologist
Schinagl, Martin, Dr.
Schinke, Reinhard, Dr.-Ing.
Schünemann, Christoph, Dr. rer. nat.
Werner, Marius, LL.M. ­

Research Area Spatial Information and Modelling

Research Group Urban Structure and Policy (USP)
Research Group Urban Complexity (UCP)
Research Group Advanced Environmental Risk and Sustainability Modelling of Cities and Regions Using AI (SITES.AI)

Head of Research Area: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Behnisch

Office: Fartak, Susanne ­

Head of Research Group USP: Dr.-Ing. Mathias Jehling
Head of Research Group UCP: Dr. Diego Rybski
Head of Research Group SITES.AI: Hendrik Herold (acting), Jochen Schanze (PI)

Brenner, Anna-Katharina, Dr. ­
Danke, Tabea, M.Sc. Raumentwicklung und Naturressourcenmanagement
Ehrhardt, Denise, M.Sc.
Eichhorn, Sebastian, M.Sc. ­
Eichler, Lisa, Master Geoinformatics and Management ­
Fagundes, Renan Luca, Master Physics
Gallacher, Claire, M.Sc. Environmental Gouvernance ­
Hänchen, Linda, M.Eng. Geoinformatic/Management
Hartmann, André, Cartographer
Hecht, Robert, Dr.-Ing.
Herold, Hendrik, Dr. rer. nat.
Jehling, Mathias, Dr.-Ing.
Kleiner, Caspar, M.A. Architektur
Krüger, Tobias, Dr.-Ing.
Li, Yunfei ­
Meinel, Gotthard, Dr.-Ing.
Münzinger, Markus, M.Sc.
Oyshi, Marzan Tasnim, Master Computer Science
Petry, Lisanne, M.Sc. Raumentwicklung und Naturressourcenmanagement
Poglitsch, Hanna, M.Sc. Geoinformationstechnologien
Reiter, Denis, M.Sc. Geoinformation technologies
Rieche, Theodor, M.Eng. Geoinformatic/Management
Rybski, Diego, Dr. rer. nat.
Schorcht, Martin, Dr.-Ing.
Sikder, Sujit Kumar, Dr.-Ing.
Tang, Gongmingyue, M.Sc. Cartography ­
Uddin, Md Imtiaz, M.Sc. Cartography, M.S. Geography and Environmental Studies ­

Infrastructure Group IOER Research Data Centre (IOER RDC)

Head of IOER Research Data Centre: Dr. rer. oec. Maria Nieswand

Office: Susanne Fartak

Della Chiesa, Stefano, Dr.
Dunkel, Alexander, Dr.-Ing.
Dworczyk, Claudia, Dr. rer. nat.
Habeeb, Riyan, Dr.-Ing.
Krüger, Tobias, Dr.-Ing.
Münzinger, Markus, M.Sc.
Namatama, Nathan, Master of Regional Development Planning and Mangement
Schinke, Reinhard, Dr.-Ing.
Schorcht, Martin, Dr.-Ing.
Sikder, Sujit Kumar, Dr.-Ing.
Tang, Gongmingyue, M.Sc. Cartography ­
Ying, William, M.Sc. Integrated Natural Resource Management

Dresden Leibniz Graduate School

Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Nora Gortcheva

Kusnez, Lilija, Master International Business ­

Abdelkader, Rana, Masters in Architectural Engineering
Akavarapu, Sai Varsha, M.Sc. Urban Ecological Planning
Gallacher, Claire, M.Sc. Environmental Governance
Ghoz, Lamiaa, Masters in Architectural Engineering​​​​​​​
Krishnan, Vivek, M.Sc. Urban Agglomerations
Nath, Subhashree, M.Sc. Integrated Urban Design and Development
Santos, Tieza Mica, M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences and Policy
Sulieman, Rayyan, M.Sc. Integrated Water Resources Management
Zafeiriou, Varsami (Ersi) ​​​​​​​, M.Sc. Advanced Studies in Spatial Planning

Visiting Scholars

An, Seungman, PhD, Landscape Architecture
Javaid, Sana, Master of Architecture (M. Arch)
Szymczyk, Ewa, M.Sc. Arch (PhD Candidate)
Zhang, Peiran, Bachelor Mathematics & Applied Mathemathics

Scientific Infrastructure

Head of Scientific Infrastructure: Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Witschas

Office: Knechtel, Antje ­

Bieh, Mario ­
Gössel, Jörg, Dipl.-Ing
Hantzsch, Carsten, Computer Scientist (FH) ­
Hille, Dominique, Meisterschülerin bildende Kunst - Library ­
Ludewig, Kerstin ­
Pohl, Anja ­
Rockstroh, Evi, Librarian
Schinke, Ulrike, Dipl.-Ing. Cartographer - Equal opportunities officer ­
Uhlich, Klaus ­
Vogel, Katrin ­


Head of Administration: Dipl.-Ing. oec. Heike Bernhardt ­

Office: Schneider, Michaela ­

Head of Finances: Carolin Evers, Master of Laws ­
Personnel Office: Friederike Jaeger, Dipl.-Kffr. ­

Bordt, Oliver
Erogova, Evgenia ­
Gerö, Ilona
Haase, Sven
Heße, Conny ­
Lankau, Claudia
Leuteritz, Katrin ­
Mootz, Elke ­ 
Scheibner, Gitte ­
Schwertner, Claudia - Reception ­
Slodowski, Hannelore - Reception ­
Stabrey, Andrea, Dipl.-Betriebswirtin (FH) ­
Timmel, Heike ­

The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development is jointly funded by the federal government and the federal states.

FS Sachsen

This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.