Phone: +49 351 4679 211
I am working on the dynamics of urban and regional change and the strategies and approaches for steering such change towards sustainability. My focus is on innovations in urban and regional governance, policy, planning and design that enable and guide system transitions. This entails a concern for diverse socio-technical and social-ecological systems coalescing in space, and the internal and external factors driving or inhibiting their transformation across spatial scales.
Keywords: Space and place; Sustainability science; Transformation; Resilience; Technology; Governance; Innovation; Learning; Capacity; Design
Director of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), Dresden (Germany)
Chair of Spatial Development and Transformation, Dresden University of Technology (Germany)
Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning (Degree: Dr.-Ing.), University of Stuttgart (Germany), Department of Urban and Regional Planning (SI) / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain)
Postgraduate course 'European Urbanism', Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain), Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB)
BA and MA in Architecture and Urban Planning (Degree: Dipl.-Ing.), University of Stuttgart (Germany); Specialisation in urban & regional planning
Scientific advisor of TRANS-LEARN project, Formas (Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development)
Scientific advisor of ENVISION project (Accelerating Environmental Assessments towards Sustainable Cities), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal)
Scientific Advisory Board member for the Urban Mobility Strategy 2035 plus, City of Dresden
Strategy advisor of ICLEI Korea, Local Governments for Sustainability
Advisory Board Member of the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO)
Member of ITU/UNECE Advisory Group on Key Performance Indicators for Smart and Sustainable Cities (U4SSC initiative)
Member of ITU/UNECE/HABITAT III Cross-Cutting Expert Group for assessing the role of ICT in the new urban agenda
Reviewer of research project proposals - European Commission (Directorate General Research & Innovation): Horizon Europe (since 2021); Horizon 2020 (2014-2020); 7th RFP (2007-13)
Reviewer of research project proposals - European Commission (Directorate General Information Society and Media): ICT Policy Support Programme (CIP)
Regular peer reviewer for the following scientific journals: Cities; Environmental Impact Assessment Review; Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions; Environmental Policy and Governance; Geoforum; International Journal of Urban Sciences; Journal of Cleaner Production; Journal of Environmental Planning & Management; Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning; Journal of Urban Technology; Landscape and Urban Planning; Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Best Paper Award, Annual Conference of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP)
Breuninger Fellowship at International Center for Cultural and Technological Studies, University of Stuttgart
Postdoctoral Fellowship at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris
Land Baden-Württemberg selection for dissertation scholarship
DAAD selection for graduate studies scholarship, and 1997 DAAD selection for diploma
Wolfram, M., Borgström, S., Farrelly, M., 2019. Urban transformative capacity: From concept to practice. Special Issue guest-editorial of: AMBIO, 48 (5), 437-448,
Van der Heijden, J. Patterson, J., Juhola, S., Wolfram, M. 2018. Advancing the role of cities in climate governance: promise, limits, politics. Special section of: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,
Wolfram, M., van der Heijden, J. Juhola, S., Patterson, J. 2018. Eds. Learning and meta-learning in urban climate governance: Concepts, key issues and challenges. In: Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 21(1) 1-15,
Wolfram, M. 2018. Assessing transformative capacity for sustainable urban regeneration: A comparative study of three South Korean cities. In: AMBIO
Wolfram, M. 2018. Learning urban energy governance for system innovation: An assessment of transformative capacity development in three South Korean cities. In: Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 21(1) 30-45,
Wolfram, M. 2018. Cities shaping grassroots niches for sustainability transitions: Conceptual reflections and an exploratory case study. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 173, 11-23,
Wolfram, M. 2018. Urban planning and transition management: Rationalities, instruments and dialectics. In: Frantzeskaki, N., Bach, M., Hölscher, K. Avelino, F. Eds. Co-creating sustainable urban futures. Cham: Springer. 103-125.
Wolfram, M. 2017. Grassroots Niches in Urban Contexts: Exploring Governance Innovations for Sustainable Development in Seoul. In: Procedia Engineering, 198, 622-641,
Wolfram, M., Frantzeskaki, N. and Maschmeyer, S. 2017. Cities, systems and sustainability: Status and perspectives for urban transformation research. In: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 22, 18-25.
Wolfram, M. 2017. Village communities and social innovation policies in Seoul: Exploring the urban dimension of grassroots niches. In: Frantzeskaki, N., Coenen, L., Castan Broto, V., Loorbach, D. Eds. Urban sustainability transitions. ISBN 978-041-57-8418-4. London: Routledge. 101-128.
Wolfram, M., Frantzeskaki, N. 2016. Cities and systemic change for sustainability: Prevailing epistemologies and a future research agenda. In: Sustainability (8) 144,
Wolfram, M. 2016. Conceptualizing urban transformative capacity: A framework for research and policy. In: Cities, 51 (Current Research on Cities), 121-130.
Wolfram, M. 2016. The role of cities in sustainability transitions: New perspectives for research, policy and practice. In: Kim, E. and Kim, H.S. Eds. Quantitative regional economic and environmental analysis for sustainability in Korea. ISBN 978-981-10-0298-4. Singapore: Springer, 3-22.
Schuetze, T., Tieben, H., Chelleri, L., Ostermeyer, Y., Wolfram, M. 2015. Eds. Towards True Smart and Green Cities? Special issue of: Sustainability (8) 144.
Wolfram, M. 2014. Stadt, Wandel, Nachhaltigkeit: Zur Konvergenz von Urbanistik und Transitionsforschung. In: Planung Neu Denken. II, 1-11.
Wolfram, M. 2014. Smart Cities: Leitbild mit Fragezeichen. In: PlanerIn. 3, 5-9.
Wulfhorst, G., Wolfram, M. 2010. Lernen von Frankreich: Die "Plans de Déplacements Urbains" als Beispiel inkrementeller Steuerung. In: Wolfram, M. Ed. Steuerung einer nachhaltigen kommunalen Verkehrsplanung in Deutschland. IÖR-Texte Nr. 162. Dresden: Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, 23-27.
Wolfram, M., Bührmann, S., Rupprecht, S. 2009. Europäische Leitlinien zur nachhaltigen Stadtverkehrsplanung (Sustainable Urban Transport Planning – SUTP). In: Bracher, T. Holzapfel, H. Kiepe, F. Lehmbrock, M. Reutter, U. Eds. Handbuch der kommunalen Verkehrsplanung. Heidelberg: Wichmann, 1-40.
Wolfram, M., Bührmann, S. 2007. Sustainable Urban Transport Planning - SUTP Manual: Guidance for stakeholders. Cologne: Rupprecht Consult—Forschung & Beratung
Wolfram, M., Bührmann, S., Martino, A., Brigati, E. 2005. Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP) and urban environment: Policies, effects, and simulations. Cologne: Rupprecht Consult—Forschung & Beratung.Wolfram, M. 2004. Final Report of the Expert Working Group on Sustainable Urban Transport Plans. Brussels: European Commission, DG Environment.
Wolfram, M. 2004. La production de catalysateurs métropolitains: L’exemple de la transformation des politiques urbains à Stuttgart. In: Jouve, B., C.Lefèvre, C. Eds. Horizons métropolitains. Collection “Science-Technique-Société”. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes.
Wolfram, M. 2003. Le “Verband Region Stuttgart” et la nouvelle donne des déplacements urbains. In: Jouve, B. Ed. Les politiques de déplacements urbains - L'innovation en question dans cinq villes européennes. 161-82. collection “Logiques Politiques”. Paris: L'Harmattan.
Wolfram, M. 2003. Planning the integration of the High-Speed Train – a discourse analytical study in four European regions. Dissertation. University of Stuttgart.