Material and energy assessments of the built environment using material flow and other life cycle oriented analyses (MFA, LCA, building material induced implications),
Settlement-structural and building-related typology approaches
Material cadastres of cities & regions and their applications,
Assumption-based simulations (if-then) of possible developments and futures of building stocks,
Circularity of the built environment (circular economy approaches)
Professional experience
since 1992
Research associate/project manager (IOER)
until 1991
Research associate at "Sächsisches Bauinstitut" (1990-1991) and at "Bauakademie" (1985-1990)
Professional Education
Studied architecture at the Technical University of Dresden; degree: Dipl.-Ing., specialising in architecture, 1985
ISBE – Information System Built Environment (01/2015-12/2028)
WIRreFa - Regional alliance for circular ecomomy and resource management of fibre composites. Collection and sorting of fibrous waste or recyclable materials (04/2024-03/2026)
ZirkuläR – Circular Spaces of Built Environment in Cities and Regions (01/2022-12/2025)
CirCon4Climate – Circular Construction for Climate Action (12/2022-03/2025)
INTEGRAL – Integrated concept for mineral waste management and land management towards sustainable development of urban-rural land use linkages (2020-2025)
KartAL IV – Mapping the anthropogenic material stock IV. Development of a building passport and cadastre concept for the rationalized identification of material stocks and flows in order to optimize recycling (01/2018-01/2021)
SEROBAU – Energy and material flows from production to the consumption site of secondary materials from the building sector for the construction sector (08/2017-02/2019)
Non-residential structures - Characteristics and parameters of urban structures of non-residential buildings (01/2013-09/2016)
REP – Resource efficiency potentials. Investigation of resource conservation potential in the area of waste and recycling management (Sensitivity study on recycling management potential in building construction) (09/2012-06/2014)
Publications IOER
The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development is jointly funded by the federal government and the federal states.
This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.