The IOER strives to anchor sustainability in its research activities as well as in all operations. For this purpose, the IOER follows the Sustainability Guidelines (LeNa) in order to structure and continuously develop all its sustainability-related activities through an overarching management approach. The focus is on four fields of action: research, human resources, buildings and infrastructures and supporting processes. Relevant measures are systematically recorded, evaluated and adjusted if necessary.
Sustainability requires collective action
Sustainability management requires broad participation of the entire workforce. All activities and functions are affected in multiple ways and only together develop a greater impact for the institute as a whole. The IOER has many years of experience in the management of corporate sustainability. For many years, there has been an environmental team that coordinates appropriate measures, raises awareness for practical implications in everyday work, and sets new impulses. Thanks to the commitment of the employees, many goals for saving resources and reducing emissions have already been achieved. The routines established in this way are being successively supplemented with a view to all four fields of action.
Sustainable research agenda and practice require dealing transparently and reflexively with questions of responsibility and justice. Core principles of sustainable research are firmly anchored in our mission statement (IOER Leitbild) as well as in our research programme.
Human Resources
The area of human resources is a central factor in implementing sustainable organizational development. The support of equality and diversity, as well as the compatibility of career and family, are decisive factors in this regard. Furthermore, the IOER offers a wide range of career and development opportunities.
Buildings and infrastructure
Sustainable planning, operation, and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure aim to achieve a positive balance of all environmental impacts.
Examples of implemented measures at the IOER
Supporting processes
In addition to the procurement of products and services, as well as the mobility of employees, the focus here is also on events and nutrition, for example. The aim is to make these processes environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
Examples of implemented measures in supporting processes