Postdocs and their research interests

Dr. Arch. Alejandro de Castro Mazarro
Research Area Landscape, Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Research interests: global environmental justice, uneven urban development, spatial inequality, relational geography, urban sufficiency

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Dunkel
Research Area Transformative Capacities
Information technology and transformative change: Geosocial media as core components of Social-Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS), governance challenges and opportunities

Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Dworczyk
Research Area Landscape, Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Research interests: Landscape ecology; ecosystem services; sustainable resource management, nature conservation, geographic information systems

Dr. rer. pol. Franziska Ehnert
Research Area Transformative Capacities
Sustainability transitions: Urban transitions towards sustainability, Transition governance, Citizen participation, Policy change and ministerial administration

Dr. phil. Xiaoxue Gao
Research Area Built Environment - Resources and Environmental Risks
Research interests: Social-spatial re-figuration, Urbanization and sustainable transformation, Spatial knowledge, Counter-cultural spaces

Dr.-Ing. Riyan Habeeb
Research Area Built Environment - Resources and Environmental Risks
Research interests: Climate Resilient and Sustainable Architecture, Planning and Design, Land-use Analytics in cognizance with socio-ecological-technical systems, Sustainable Urban Transformation and Capacities, Climate Responsive and Energy Efficient Buildings and Materials, Urban Water Security and Nature-based Solutions, Data Analysis, Visualization for Science Communication

Dr. Neelakshi Joshi
Research Area Landscape, Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Research interests: Urban energy transition, landscape change, governance, socio-ecological-technical system transformation

Jonathan Morris, PhD
Research Area Transformative Capacities
Research interests: Sustainable management of energy and water resources; indicators and evaluation instruments for sustainability measurement; role and capacity of local government driving sustainable growth; local and regional sustainability impacts of supply chains

Dr. Marina Novikova
Research Area Transformative Capacities
Research interests: Social innovation, transformative social innovation, regional development, rural development, transformative capacities, sustainability transitions

Dr. Martin Schinagl
Research Area Built Environment - Resources and Environmental Risks
Research interests: Planning practices, human-technology relations, urban cultures, qualitative methods of social, cultural and spatial research, mixed methods

The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development is jointly funded by the federal government and the federal states.

FS Sachsen

This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.