The IOER also conducts research in projects that are not directly assigned to one of the four research areas. These include the following projects:
Current projects
CoARA WG Transdisciplinarity - Developing new standards and guidelines for research assessment in the Working Group "Towards Transformations: Transdisciplinarity, Applied/Practice Based Research, and Impacts."
ClimNeutRes - Pilot project "Climate-neutral research operation by 2035"
Completed projects
MultiRural - Potentials and ambivalences of rural multi-apartment buildings for a socio-ecological development of housing estates - a gender-sensitive analysis
GiB_Raum - Gender aspects in spatial sustainability and transformation research. Sub-project IOER (concept phase)
BuReSt - The importance of national spatial development strategies for environmental policy: analyses, case studies, forms of action
Gender in spatial research - Interdisciplinary concepts and practical approaches
MAREX - Management of Mineral Resource Extraction in Hoa Binh Province A Contribution to Sustainable Development in Vietnam
MSP-Trans - Development of principals and recommendations regarding spatial planning, nature conservation and its legal basis in order to implement the ecosystem approach into the spatial planning of OSPAR and HELCOM marine waters and the German EEZ
Praxishilfe Siedlungsrückzug - Adaptation to climate and demographic change: legal, planning and political options for action to assist municipalities, districts as well as state and regional planning
Raumplanerische Achsenkonzepte - Investigation of the adaptability of the cross-border axes in the Euroregion Elbe/Labe
REGKLAM - Development and Testing of an Integrated Regional Climate Change Adaption Programme for the Model Region Dresden
URBAN-EU-China - EU-China Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation