Phone: +49 (0)351 46 79 297
Research Associate at IOER
Teaching at Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural History, Architectural Theory and Historic Preservation; propaedeutic in architectural theory
Teaching at Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural History, Architectural Theory and Historic Preservation;
Seminar: "At home - that's how I live!"
Lecturer at Technical University of Irkutsk, Faculty of Architecture, urbanism and design supervision "Urban development in Listwijanka at Lake Baikal"
Doctoral Degree at Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural History, Architectural Theory and Historic Preservation. Title: "Planned indeterminacy. Open-ended architecture for self-determination in lived space using the example of the Kölner Brett."
Lecturer at University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz, Faculty of Architecture, Lecture in Urbanism and design supervision
Teaching at Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural History, Architectural Theory and Historic Preservation;
Seminar: "Beyond the Normative," "Situations: discover, understand, change." with Prof. Dr. Achim Hahn
2nd prize "Europan 8" competition: Titled "Trialog" a cross-border mission statement
for Zittau-Bogatynia-Hrádek
versatile consulting and planning activities, e.g. in the areas of sustainable and shrinking urban development as well as the establishment of communication arenas, e.g. since 2014 discussion group "Architekturtheoretisches Zimmer".
Research Associate at IOER, Project "Stadt 2030 - Gemeinsames Leitbild für die Europastadt Görlitz/Zgorzelec"
Study of Architecture at Technische Universität Dresden
Study of Architecture at Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal
Technical School, Chemnitz, High School and apprenticeship as a skilled construction worker
WIR recyceln Fasern (WIRreFa) - Regional alliance for circular ecomomy and resource management of fibre composites Collection and sorting of fibrous waste or recyclable materials
StadtumMig II - From urban restructuring quarters to immigration neighbourhoods? New perspectives for peripheral industrial housing estates; Sub-Project B: Public space
StadtumMig I - From urban restructuring quarters to immigration neighbourhoods? New perspectives for peripheral industrial housing estates