Phone: +49 (0)351 46 79 259
Resource efficient urban and regional planning in national and international context, tools and methods of environment and cost oriented settlement development and infrastructure development, material flow analysis, waste management, infrastructure transformation, building stock management, land use-management, urban mining and urban symbiosis; participatory scenario planning.
Freelance work on Building Redevelopment and Urban Development
(project management/schedule control/management of parking concepts)
since 1998
Scientist at the IOER in the field of resource efficiency of settlement development
Supervision of thesis for diploma
Supervision of thesis for PhD
since 2006
Teaching practitioners and postgraduate students in international trainee courses on environmental orientated urban planning (trainee courses and summer schools)
Graduated from Technische Universität Berlin, Germany with diploma in industrial engineering
Post graduate diploma in building redevelopment from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Doctoral degree on civil engineering and urban planning sciences in Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany
ISBE – Informationssystem Gebaute Umwelt (01/2015-12/2028)
WIRreFA – Regionales Bündnis für Kreislauf- und Ressourcenwirtschaft von Faserverbundwerkstoffen. Sammlung und Sortierung von faserhaltigen Abfällen bzw. Wertstoffen (04/2024-03/2026)
ZirkuläR – Zirkuläre Räume der gebauten Umwelt in Städten und Regionen (01/2022-12/2025)
CirCon4Climate – Klimagerechte Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Baubranche (12/2022-03/2025)
INTEGRAL – Integriertes Konzept für mineralische Abfälle und Landmanagement zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Stadt-Land-Nutzungsbeziehungen (2020-2025)
KartAL 5 – Kartierung des anthropogenen Lagers V. Strategieentwicklung für einen nationalen Urban Mining Prozess (11/2022-04/2025)
Management of Mineral Resource Extraction in Hoa Binh Province - A Contribution to Sustainable Development in Vietnam; project management of module "Material Flow Analysis"
Transformation to climate resilient and resource-saving infrastructures – The example of coupled infrastructures (TRAFIS); project management
Mapping of the anthropogenic stock in Germany for the optimization of the secondary raw materials sector IV - development of a building pass and building cadastral concept for the regionalized survey of the material stocks and flows with the aim of optimizing recycling; project management
Simulation game "Adaptation of peripheral settlement structures", Demonstration Projects of Spatial Planning (MORO)
Settlement Development and Infrastructure Costs – Cost Calculation and Strategy Development (original term: Siedlungsentwicklung und Infrastrukturfolgekosten - Bilanzierung und Strategieentwicklung) (funding: Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany).
From external to internal development of towns and municipalities – development of proposals for action as well as analysis of ecological, economic and social repercussions of revised policies on residential development (original term: Von der Außen- zur Innenentwicklung von Städten und Gemeinden – Erarbeitung von Handlungsvorschlägen sowie Analysen der ökologischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Wirkungen einer Neuorientierung der Siedlungspolitik) (funding: Federal Environmental Agency, Germany).
Spatial Planning Approaches to the Provision of Public Services (MORO Back-Up Research) (original term: Regionalplanerische Handlungsansätze zur Gewährleistung der öffentlichen Daseinsvorsorge (MORO-Begleitforschung)) (funding: Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany).
Variable Rate Pricing based on Pay-As-You-Throw as a tool of Urban Waste Management, RTD Project founded by the European Commission, Fifth European Community Framework Program.
Determining Resource Conservation Potentials in the Recovery of Construction Waste and Formulating Recommendations on their Use (original term: Ermittlung von Ressourcenschonungspotenzialen bei der Verwertung von Bauabfällen und Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen zu deren Nutzung) (funding: Federal Environmental Agency, Germany).
Infill development Potentials in German cities and towns – representative survey and options of an automated estimation (original term: Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Flächeninanspruchnahme – Innenentwicklungspotenziale) (funding: Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, Germany).
Mapping of anthropogenic stock of resources in Germany for optimization the management of secondary raw materials (original term: Kartierung des anthropogenen Lagers in Deutschland zur Optimierung der Sekundärrohstoffwirtschaft). (funding: Federal Environmental Agency, Germany)
EUDYSÉ – Efficiency and Dynamics of Settlement Development under Disparate Spatial and Temporal Trends. (original term: Effizienz und Dynamik – Siedlungsentwicklung in Zeiten räumlich und zeitlich disparater Entwicklungstrends (funding: BMBF)
Management of Mineral Resource Extraction in Hoa Binh Province – a Contribution to Sustainable Development in Vietnam (expected funding: BMBF)