Phone: +49 (0)351 46 79 274
Applied geoinformatics (GIS, modelling, remote sensing, image processing, image segmentation, object extraction, very high resolution imagery, historical maps, cross-border data harmonisation, LiDAR, evaluation of image segmentation quality)
Landscape ecology and landscape planning (historical landscape analysis, landscape structure analysis, modelling of landscape functions, ecosystem services, impacts of climate change, climate change adaptation)
Infrastructure (automated extraction of railroad infrastructure, coupled infrastructures)
Vulnerability and risk management, impact modelling (modelling of flood damages and further climate-induced impacts, flood risk analyses)
Graduation as PhD at the Faculty of Forest, Geo and Hydro Sciences, Technical University of Dresden
Studies of Geography at the Faculty of Forest, Geo and Hydro Sciences, Technical University of Dresden
Climate_CRICES - Increasing Climate Change Resilience in Central Europe
Workshops Korea University – Opportunities and Risks of Declining Urbanization and Rural Depopulation for Sustainable Landscape Management
GewässerKlima - Development of the ecological quality of surface waters in the face of climate change (08/2019-12/2020, UBA)
STRIMA II - Saxon-Czech Flood Risk Management II (07/2017-06/2020, EU Interreg VA)
MaGICLandscapes – Managing Green Infrastructure in Central European Landscapes (07/2017-06/2020, INTERREG Central Europe)
HUeBro – Uplifting buildings in flood areas exemplified by the Elbe village Brockwitz (04/2017-03/2019, BMUB)
Transformation to climate resilient and resource-saving infrastructures – The example of coupled infrastructures (02/2016-07/2019, UBA)
Cooperation network of state authorities on climate change adaptation (10/2015-09/2018, UBA)
The European Green Belt as Part of the Green Infrastructure (03/2016-12/2017, BUND/BfN)
SCHADOS – Possibilities and limitations of quantitative damage estimations for impacts of summer heat, heavy rain and hail on buildings (01/2013-12/2017, IOER)
Cross-Process Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Risks of Urban Regions with Respect to Climatic Factors and their Changes – Conceptualisation and Modelling (RegioRisk) (01/2013-12/2016, IOER)
Landscape Change Induced by Separation and Reunification: A Comparative Case Study of South Korea and Germany (08/2015-03/2016, IOER/KEI)
Assessment and Prioritisation of Integrative Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change in Saxony − Vulnerability Study Saxony (VusS) (11/2012-12/2015, Saxon State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology)
HABIT-CHANGE - Adaptive Management of Climate-induced Changes of Habitat Diversity in Protected Areas (03/2010-09/2013, EU Interreg IVB)
Automated object recognition from high resolution LiDAR data and aerial imagery (several project phases 07/2007-03/2013, Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB))
TransEcoNet - Transnational Ecological Networks in Central Europe (01/2009-07/2012, EU Interreg IVB)
Cross-border homogenisation of spatial base data between the Free State of Saxony and the Czech Republic (01/2009-12/2011, EU/Freestate of Saxony, Ziel 3)
Cooperation PR China - Land use change and sustainable development in post-mining areas (02/2009-01/2011, Robert Bosch Foundation)
MULTISURE - Building Damages by Groundwater (12/2006-12/2009, BMBF/RIMAX)
Cooperation Republic of Korea - Bilateral Workshops on Spatial and Environmental Monitoring (01/2008-06/2008, BMBF/KICOS)
Changes and Management of Risks of Extreme Flood Events in Large River Basins - Illustrated by the River Elbe (07/2005-06/2008, BMBF/RIMAX)