The concept of Urban Environmental Acupuncture takes a treatment method from traditional Chinese medicine as its model. With fine needle pricks on certain parts of the body, acupuncture is supposed to help alleviate pain or cure diseases. Transferred to the management of green spaces in cities, a lot can be achieved for cities and their population with small but very targeted measures.
At an online seminar in March this year, more than 50 experts from municipal practice have already expanded their knowledge on the topic of Urban Environmental Acupuncture. On 14 September, a city excursion in Erfurt will show how the concept can be applied in concrete terms. Experts from the fields of urban, environmental and landscape planning and similar disciplines as well as students in this field are invited. Those who have not completed the online course in March can also take part in the excursion.
The excursion will lead to different areas in Erfurt that could be designed according to the concept of Urban Environmental Acupuncture. Scientists from the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) will explain the methodology, and staff from the Erfurt Garden and Cemetery Office will explain the concrete plans for implementation on site. In practical exercises, the participants will learn how to select suitable areas, the "acupuncture points", and appropriate measures for upgrading the areas.
Participation in the city excursion is free of charge. The registration deadline is 31 August 2021.
Registration by e-mail to Christian Bachmann, Impulsregion Erfurt, Jena, Weimar, Weimarer Land: christian.bachmann
Programme of the excursion (document language: German)
"SALUTE4CE" (duration: 2019 to 2022) is a project with ten partners from five countries, funded by the European Union within the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE programme. The impulse region Erfurt, Jena, Weimar, Weimarer Land is working closely on the project with the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) in Dresden.
Further information on the project’s website
Scientific contact
Dr. Juliane Mathey, Dr. Peter Wirth, Dr.-Ing. Jessica Hemingway