The IOER submitted the project idea "Architectural heritage and climate-friendly construction in Dresden" together with the Association of German Architects (BDA), the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB) with its regional portal Saxorum and the ZfBK Centre for Building Culture Saxony to the citizen science competition "Auf die Plätze! Citizen science in your city". In the final of the competition, the "Ideensprint", a total of five projects competed against each other. Until the end of September, the teams had time to develop their project outline into a concept. A competition jury evaluated the submissions. In addition, public points collected in an online voting were decisive for the selection of the winners.
On 20 October, the project team from Dresden received the award. The jury praised the concept "Architectural heritage and climate-friendly construction in Dresden" as very multifaceted and impressive. Among other things, the jury members rated the everyday relevance of the research topic, the large number of actors and supporters involved in the project, and the planned co-creative processes as particularly positive. The jury attests the project a high potential for a social impact and appreciates the high degree of open science/open source, which enables a transfer for other cities.
The planned citizen science project "Architectural heritage and climate-friendly construction in Dresden - mapping, researching and communicating building knowledge" will focus on bringing together the knowledge of Dresden residents about the city's diverse buildings in a digital map and making it visible and usable. The more information that is collected on the online platform called "Colouring Dresden", the more colourful the interactive city map of Dresden will become. The information collected helps to close an enormous knowledge gap. How old are buildings, what materials are used, how are the buildings used and have they already been renovated for energy-efficiency? The resulting treasure trove of data is intended to help preserve Dresden's architectural heritage, to further develop the building stock in a resource- and climate-friendly way and to contribute to the well-being of Dresden's citizens, for example through more heat-adapted building and renovation in the future. The first events in the city are planned for December 2022 and January 2023.