Prudent land use is seen as one of the key factors for a "Great Transformation" towards sustainability. Currently, about 55 hectares of land are "consumed" every day in Germany for new buildings and infrastructure. The German government wants to reduce this figure to less than 30 hectares per day by 2030. In 2050, the bottom line should even be zero. To achieve this, we need to better understand land use in Germany. The autumn series 2023 of the IÖR Forum is dedicated to this topic area.
It will be about how scientific data and knowledge support processes of change. How land use can be recorded, how reliable time series contribute to transformative land use change, how spatial planning with stricter specifications can reduce land consumption overall (and locally), and how geosimulations help to forecast future developments.
The series starts on 5 September with a panel discussion that takes a look at the topic of mobility and the areas needed for it in Dresden. Guests will include Frank Fiedler from the Dresden City Planning Office, Jutta Wieding from BUND and Rico Wittwer from the Chair of Integrated Transport Planning and Road Traffic Engineering at Dresden University of Technology. The event will take place in the COSMO Science Forum in the Dresden Palace of Culture.
In the days and weeks that follow, there will be in-depth events with guests from science and practice. On 26 September, for example, the topic will be land-saving planning in Switzerland. In October, Marc Barthélémy from France will speak about "Science of Cities". In November, Judith Verstegen from the University of Utrecht will speak. This will be followed by lectures by Michael Haußmann, Head of the Information Management Department of the City of Freiburg, Daniel Arribas-Bel from the Alan Turing Institute, and Navonil Mustafee from the University of Exeter. The series ends in December with a lecture by Julia Friske on "AI & Smart City".
The IOER Forum is open to all interested parties. Participation is free of charge, registration is not required. If you would like to be informed by e-mail about upcoming dates and further events of the IOER, please write to
All information on the IÖR Forum Autumn Series 2023
Contact at the IOER
Dr Anna-Maria Schielicke, e-mail: