The exhibition "The Shape of Space - Landscapes in Germany as Images of Society" documents the way society deals with landscape in Germany. Our spatial foundations of life are constantly changing. Land use is an expression of social demands, economic activities, cultural influences, natural features and historical developments. It is also a result of spatial planning at different levels that manage changes and try to balance land use conflicts. Compared to European neighbours, the result is usually clearly structured settlements and often beautiful cultural landscapes, but in many places also urban sprawl, landscape fragmentation, and soil and forest degradation.
Using a large number of aerial photographs, the exhibition impressively shows different facets of land use in Germany: settlement structures ranging from densely populated inner cities to suburban locations and urban green spaces, transport infrastructures as well as industrial and energy landscapes, agricultural areas ranging from cleared post-mining and agro-industrial landscapes to organic farming, forest stands and recreational landscapes. The images, taken by a photocopter and an airship from a height of up to 100 meters, provide a new and sometimes surprising view of mostly small-scale structured, ordered and used landscapes.
The exhibition can be seen during the opening hours of the vhs Leipzig, admission is free.
Information on the underlying book (published in German)
Wendelin Strubelt, Fabian Dosch, Gotthard Meinel (eds.)
"Die Gestalt des Raumes. Landschaften Deutschlands als Abbilder der Gesellschaft" with photos by Jürgen Hohmuth and Marcus Fehse (, Berlin) as well as articles by various authors.
Wasmuth & Zohlen Verlag, 2021
ISBN: 978 3 8030 2224 0
Duration of the exhibition: 25/03/2022 – 07/05/2022
Volkshochschule Leipzig, Foyer
Löhrstraße 3-7, 04105 Leipzig
Scientific contact at the IOER
Dr Gotthard Meinel, e-mail: