Prof. Dr. Orit Halpern
Chair of Digital Cultures and Societal Change at Technische Universität Dresden and Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology of Concordia University Montréal/Canada
Smart Natures: Technology, Spatial Development, and AI
4 July 2023 | online
Orit Halpern is Full Professor and Chair of Digital Cultures and Societal Change at Technische Universität Dresden.
Her work combines the histories of science, computing, and cybernetics with design. She completed her Ph.D. at Harvard and has held numerous visiting scholar positions including at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, IKKM (Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie) Weimar and at Duke University in Durham/USA.
She is currently working on two projects. The first project is a history of automation, intelligence, and freedom. The second project examines extreme infrastructures and the history of experimentation at planetary scales in design, science, and engineering.
Prof. Dr. Annette Spellerberg
Professor for Urban and Regional Sociology at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
Stadt- und Raumentwicklung mit Hilfe Künstlicher Intelligenz?
5 July 2023 | Berlin
Prof. Dr. Annette Spellerberg has been Professor of Urban Sociology in the Department of Spatial and Environmental Planning at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (formerly: TU Kaiserslautern) since 2002.
Her research focuses on urban sociology, housing, demographic change, social structures, lifestyles, socio-spatial migration research and the spatial impact of digitalisation.
She has been elected to the Executive Committee of the ARL – Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association in 2020 and 2022 and is a member of the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning (DASL). She studied sociology at the Freie Universität Berlin and has worked at the Freie Universität Berlin, the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, CASBS – Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Stanford and the University of Bamberg.