In view of the structural and socio-economic diversity of urban neighbourhoods, there are many open questions as to how the concept of the 15-minute city can be applied in different urban contexts. Large-scale housing estates (LHE) pose special challenges for the implementation of the concept while being an important pillar of urban sustainability transformation, but currently are not in the focus of urban research. There is a lack of spatial and socio-demographic data and suitable analytical approaches as a basis for evaluating the potentials and challenges for implementing the concept of the 15-minute city in these neighbourhoods.
By researching (1) the spatial conditions and (2) the mobility needs and options of different social groups in LHEs, a conceptual and empirical knowledge base is to be developed, on the basis of which scenarios and strategies for the further development and neighbourhood-specific as well as general design principles for the implementation of sustainable mobility in LHEs are to be derived. In addition, a contribution is to be made to the theoretical debate on the 15-minute city concept.
Research Questions
How can the 15-minute city concept be realised in large-scale housing estates?
What are the structural-physical potentials and what is needed to be adapted?
How can mobility conditions and needs be mapped on the basis of geodata?
Which location-specific and general design principles can be derived?
The IOER will focus on aspects of urban structure and development, the use and design of public space and green spaces. After developing an analysis and evaluation concept, indicators and GIS-based modelling for various development scenarios will be used to co-creatively develop suitable adaptation strategies for the five study areas in the partner countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Latvia, Hungary, Bulgaria) and to derive general design principles for LHEs.
Planned results
A comprehensive knowledge base about the existing urban structures and accessibility, public spaces, their quality, equipment and transport infrastructure as well as the mobility needs and mobility behaviour of different user groups in LHEs is to be developed.
Through the co-creative development of spatial strategies and interventions in public spaces, measures for sustainable mobility in the case studies and general design principles for LHEs are to be derived.
The concept of the 15-minute city as an approach for implementing a sustainability transformation is to be further developed conceptually for the specific context of the LHEs.
Results from related projects
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Friedrich, K. Rößler, S. (2023): Built Space Hinders Lived Space: Social Encounters and Appropriation in Large Housing Estates. In: Urban Planning (8 ) 4, S. 145-161
Friedrich, K.; Rößler, S. (2023): Situationsanalyse Städtebau, Wohnungsbestand, Freiraum, Infrastruktur. Working Paper 2 des Projekts "Vom Stadtumbauschwerpunkt zum Einwanderungsquartier - Neue Perspektiven für periphere Großwohnsiedlungen". Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR), Dresden.
StadtumMig-Projektteam (Hrsg.) (2023): Vom Stadtumbauschwerpunkt zum Einwanderungsquartier. Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für ostdeutsche Großwohnsiedlungen
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GOAT (2023): GOAT 3.0 Projektwiki:
Gutting, R.; Gerhold, M.; Rößler, S. (2021): Spatial Accessibility in Urban Regeneration Areas: A Population-Weighted Method Assessing the Social Amenity Provision. In: Urban Planning 6 (2021) 4, S.189-201.
Hecht, R.; Büttner, B.; Jehle, U.; Klaus, M.; Krügel, F.; McCormick, B.; Pajares, E.; Reiter, D.; Rieche, T.; Seisenberger, S.; Jehling, M (2022): Erreichbarkeits- und Analyseinstrumente für die Daseinsvorsorgeplanung: Potenziale und Hindernisse. In: Meinel, Gotthard; Krüger, Tobias; Behnisch, Martin; Ehrhardt, Denise (Hrsg.) : Flächennutzungsmonitoring XIV: Beiträge zu Flächenmanagement, Daten, Methoden und Analysen. Berlin : Rhombos-Verlag, 2022, (IÖR-Schriften; 80), S.315-320.
Seisenberger, S.; Pajares, E.; Hecht, R.; Rieche, T.; Reiter, D.; Jehling, M. (2023): Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Daseinsvorsorge: Indikatoren für fachübergreifende GIS-Analysen. In: GIS.Science 36 (2023) 4/2023, S.127-138
Stanley, C. H.; Hecht, R.; Cakir, S.; Brzoska, P. (2022): Approach to user group-specific assessment of urban green spaces for a more equitable supply exemplified by the elderly population. In: One Ecosystem 7 (2022) : e83325.