Dr. Patrycia Gerhard
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
The recently published report by the Research Initiative for the Conservation of Biodiversity („FEDA“) has clearly demonstrated: The development of biodiversity in urban areas in Germany shows declining trends in parts. Yet urban areas are capable of accommodating a high level of biodiversity and have become an important refuge for many animal and plant. It has been shown that the proportion of Red List species in German cities is over 30%. Biodiversity is also a fundamental pillar for the resilience and functioning of many ecosystems and thus also for the provision of ecosystem services for the urban population. These aspects highlight the importance of urban nature conservation. In this context, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation is dedicated to a variety of tasks aimed at researching, protecting and promoting urban nature. The talk will focus on the presentation of work within this spectrum and show examples of species conservation in urban areas from practical experience in Germany.
Our speaker:
Patrycia Gerhard is a research associate at the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Department of Landscape Planning, Spatial Planning and Urban Areas. Her current work focuses on researching and promoting urban nature with a current focus on species protection in buildings. Patrycia Gerhard studied geography at the University of Göttingen and the University of Heidelberg. In her doctorate, Patrycia Gerhard dealt with the mapping and assessment of urban ecosystem services at small spatial scales.
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