
Teilnehmer/-innen im Ballsaal des Dormero

DORMERO Hotel Königshof Dresden
Kreischaer Straße 2
01219 Dresden

Photo: IOER/S.Tramsen

How to get there

Routes and directions:
Public Transport in Dresden:

From Dresden International Airport
S-Bahn Train S2 (direction Pirna) to Dresden-Strehlen (2,30 € per ticket).
Taxi ride takes about 25min (ca. 30 €).

From Autobahn A4 (both directions)
Turn-off to Autobahn A17 (direction Praha) with the exit Dresden-Südvorstadt, follow "Hotelroute A" (B170) to Fritz-Förster-Platz, then follow "Hotelroute D" (Zellescher Weg) to Wasaplatz (Hotel DORMERO). Underground parking is available at Hotel Dormero with space for 150 cars (12 € per day), approach from Lannerstraße.

From Dresden Hauptbahnhof train station
Tram 9 (direction Prohlis) to Wasaplatz.
Taxi ride takes about 7min (ca. 8 €).

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