Saxon-Czech Flood Risk Management II


The STRIMA II project supports the cross-border cooperation in flood risk management between Saxony and the Czech Republic. The focus here is on precautionary measures and risk prevention toreduce the consequences of river floods and heavy rainfall induced floods. This also considers an increase in intensity and frequency of such events due to climate change. A major concern of the project is the creation of cross-border data exchange and risk analysis methods to support the comparability as well as to strengthen information and actor networks.


In this project, the IOER was responsible for developing and refining of methods to assess the potential flood impacts on buildings, land usage as well as transport and waterway infrastructures. It includes the identification and analysis of effects due to appropriate flood precaution measures. Options for flood prevention are systematized and classified before being transferred into a catalogue of measures and a web-based information system. This allows an assessment of flood measure effects and the drawing up of recommendations for their implementation. The developed methods are being tested in case studie areas of Saxony and the Czech Republic.

Main results


  • Functional enhancement of the synthetic model approach to consider the effects of flood mitigation measures on buildings
  • Development of an overall concept, elaboration of the detailed calculation guideline and designing of mock-ups for the interactive WebGIS application FLOOD.Bi. The new information tool illustrates the effects of flood mitigation measures on residential buildings.
  • Development of the data model and analysis of research data as a basis for the R2-module. The R2-module is key part of FLOOD.Bi.

Environmental goods and Land use

  • Development of a method for assessing potential flood damage to agricultural crops

Watercourses and traffic infrastructure

  • Development of a method to characterize the vulnerability of watercourses and traffic infrastructures
  • Guidelines and fact sheets to systematise adaptation measures for the reduction of flood damage to watercourses
  • Case studies to operationalize method development and adaptation measures on Saxon and Czech rivers


Project team of STRIMA-II (2021): Water without borders – Flood risk management in the border region of Saxony and the Czech Republic (in German: Wasser ohne Grenzen – Hochwasserrisikomanagement im sächsisch-tschechischen Grenzraum (dt/cz): LfULG (Hrsg.), 2021, S.20; 

Sauer, A.; Schinke, R.; Ortlepp, R.; Papathoma-Köhle, M.; Fuchs, S. (2021): Pluvial flooding: hazard mapping and derivation of impact indicators; In: FLOODrisk 2020 - 4th European Conference on Flood Risk Management. Budapest: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2021,

Schinke, R.; Hennersdorf, J.; Ortlepp, R.; Thieme, S.; Müller, U. (2021): Mitigation of flood damage to residential buildings – An interactive tool for selection and evaluation of flood precaution measures (in German: Minderung potentieller Hochwasserschäden an Wohngebäuden – Ein interaktives Tool zur Auswahl und Bewertung baulicher Vorsorgeoptionen; In: TU Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und technische Hydromechanik (Hrsg.): Wasserbau zwischen Hochwasser und Wassermangel; 2021, (Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen, 65), S.297-306,

Heyer, T.; Schinke, R.; Hammoudi, H. (2021): Estimation of the water ingress into buildings due to pluvial floods (in German: Abschätzung des Wassereintritts in Gebäude infolge starkniederschlagsbedingter Überflutungsereignisse;In: TU Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und technische Hydromechanik (Hrsg.): Wasserbau zwischen Hochwasser und Wassermangel; 2021, (Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen, 65), S.141-150;

Garack, S.; Fraaß, L (2021): Flood damage precaution on watercourses – Guideline and fact sheets for planning of measures (in German: Schadensvorsorge an Fließgewässern – Leitfaden und Steckbriefe zur Maßnahmenplanung, Dresden : IÖR, 2021, S.168,

Neubert, M.; Höhnel, J.; Schinke, R. (2020): GIS-based estimation of flood damage to arable crops; In: AGIT - Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik 6-2020 (2020), S. 183-194;

Garack, S.; Schinke, R. (2019): Characterisation of flood-related vulnerability of watercourses (in German, "Charakterisierung der hochwasserinduzierten Verletzbarkeit von Fließgewässern"); In: Tagungsband zur Landesverbandstagung Sachsen/Thüringen der Deutschen Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V.; Hennef : DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V., 2019, S. 128-13;

The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development is jointly funded by the federal government and the federal states.

FS Sachsen

This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.