The Russian Federation already has a strategy for the development of its marine areas, including its coastal areas. However, a legally defined instrument of maritime spatial planning still does not exist. Currently, Russia has begun drawing up a Federal Law on Maritime Spatial Planning. The project "MSP-Rus" (phase II) aims at providing advisory assistance to the Russian Federation with regard to content, methods and legal regulations of maritime spatial planning. Moreover, maritime spatial planning should be applied in a pilot project. In view of the shared borders between the European Union and the Russian Federation in the Baltic region and Germany's leading role in the EU regarding maritime spatial planning, it is of great importance to intensify the German-Russian cooperation in this field.
Research questions of the project
How can maritime spatial planning be incorporated in the Russian planning system?
To which extent can the framework of the existing spatial planning in Russia be applied to maritime spatial planning?
As a result of the project, an environmentally sound concept for the selected Russian region in the Finnish Gulf was worked out. This concept is to be integrated in the complex system of national and international maritime spatial plans in the Baltic Sea. The close and intensive cooperation between German and Russian experts within the framework of the project has contributed to a sustainable use of the Baltic Sea in all Baltic Sea countries.
The results and recommendations were presented at the closing symposium on 25.10.2016 in St. Petersburg (Russia).