Subproject "Object type based modelling and regional economic assessment of climate adaptation potentials".
Low mountain regions are typical for large parts of Germany. At the same time, the challenges are particularly high due to the increasing intensity and frequency of extreme events such as flash floods, droughts and storms. Small and medium-sized, partly financially weak communities dominate in these regions, whose technical and administrative capacities are extremely limited, and thus they face considerable challenges with regard to climate adaptation.
The joint project "Joint Platform for Climate-Conform Action at Municipal and County Level in Low-Mountain Regions (KlimaKonform)" pursues the goal of developing, together with counties and selected sample municipalities, an integrative and action-oriented approach to identify and assess climate change adaptation capacities for low-mountain regions. The overall objective is the development of information tools for decision support regarding regional adaptation to climate change, which is funded within the funding measure "RegIKlim - Regional Information for Climate Action" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
In two project components, the subproject from IOER focuses on a multidimensional view of climate adaptation potentials, taking both a regional economic and an object-related perspective, in order to consider the effects of climate adaptation measures in an overarching context.
Work package C1: From a regional economic perspective, what are the costs and benefits of different investments in adaptation capacity that serve to protect (from climate impacts) or ensure the function of production factors?
Work package D1: Which approaches are suitable to map the damage and climate adaptation potentials of buildings and infrastructures with regard to the climate change-induced increase of heat periods and heavy rainfall-induced flash floods addressed here - spatially differentiated, smaller communities in low mountain regions?
For the assessment of climate adaptation measures in work package C1, a regional economic model is created at the county level. The output of the model allows the comparison between different investment measures or climate scenarios based on the key figures of employment, income level, gross value added or household balance.
Work package D1 includes object type-based modelling of damage and climate adaptation potentials related to heavy rain and heat events. The research aims to provide a methodological framework for estimating climate change adaptation potentials of the built environment that is transferable to comparable regions.