In the "Book a Scientist" format, the IOER is represented by Sebastian Heer and Christoph Schünemann. Book an exclusive, virtual conversation with our scientists.
Sebastian Heer would like to engage in a conversation regarding the question "More acceptance through citizen participation?" and discuss with you what effective participation can look like and what is needed to achieve it. Christoph Schünemann asks for an exchange of experience on the question of how the speed of energy-efficient building refurbishment can be increased.
Both scientists will be available for discussion during the following time slot:
Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
The talks will be held in German.
To reserve a one-on-one meeting, email with your name, chosen topic, and desired time slot. There are more than 130 other topics to choose. A complete overview and more information about the event can be found here: