Phone: +49 (0)351 46 79 228
Professor and holder of the Chair of Environmental Development and Risk Management at Technische Universität Dresden
Vice chairman of the board PRISMA − Centre for Sustainability Assessment and Policy
Spokesperson of the Leibniz-Lab "Systemic Sustainability – Biodiversity, Climate, Agriculture and Food within Planetary Boundaries"
Spokesperson of the Leibniz Research Network "Earth & Societies"
Member of the working group "Exploring and shaping interdependencies between humans and the Earth system ..." of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Steering committee member of the Center for Advanced Water Research (CAWR)
Member of Future Earth
Founding member of the Environmental Non-Migration Network (EnNoMig Network)
Member of the Academy of Spatial Science and Planning (ARL)
Member of the board of trustees of the Foundation of Environment and Damage Prevention
Member of the Graduate Academy of Technische Universität Dresden
Editor of the Journal of Flood Risk Management (Wiley-Blackwell)
Editorial Member of the Journal Climate Services (Elsevier)
Reviewer of the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), World Health Organisation (WHO), European Commission, European Environment Agency (EEA), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), AXA Research Fund, Dutch Research Council (NOW), Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (ACRP), German Science Council (WR), German Science Foundation (DFG), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German Environment Agency (UBA), Bavarian Network for Climate Research (bayklif), Scientific Commission of Lower Saxony (WKN), numerous scientific journals, the German Federal Parliament, Saxon State Parliament, etc.
Membership in various scientific associations such as International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE).
Theoretical and methodological foundations for comprehensive analyses of human-environment interrelations and their interference through management and governance across different spatio-temporal scales. The theories and concepts relate to selected disciplines of the natural sciences, engineering and social sciences. The methodological approaches range from sensor-based data analyses, model-based simulations and foresight to evaluation and decision support and the investigation of societal measures, instruments and strategies, including their actors and institutional arrangements. Of superordinate importance are questions of inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge integration. The content focuses on sustainable development and dealing with environmental risks. Research and teaching are nationally and internationally oriented with cooperation partners primarily in Europe, Asia, North and Latin America and Africa.
since 2021: head of the IOER Knowledge Integration Hub (KIH)
2014-2021: head of the working group "Theoretical and methodological basics of ecological urban and regional development" at the IOER
2009 – 2014: head of IOER research area "Environmental Risks in Urban and Regional Development"
2009: Appointment as Professor of Environmental Development and Risk Management at Technische Universität Dresden
2006 – 2009: head of IOER research group "Environmental Risks/Flooding"
2006: university lecturer at University of Potsdam (representation of a chair holder)
2005 – 2009: university lecturer at Technische Universität Dresden
2002 – 2010: member of the executive board and scientific coordinator of the Dresden Flood Research Center (D-FRC)
2002 – 2005: head of IOER research group "Cumulative Environmental Effects of Land-Use Change"
2001 – 2004: scientific project leader in the areas of landscape ecology and risk management at IOER
Before: head of department of environmental research and planning at a consultancy as well as scientist on behalf of various research institutes and state ministries
Studies of landscape ecology at Technische Universität München with guest semesters in philosophy at Universität Regensburg
BMBF: "Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Dresden/Leipzig (ScaDS.AI)"
BMBF: "Platform for Climate-Conform Action at Local and District Level in Low Mountain Regions (KlimaKonform)"
Leibniz-Lab "Systemic Sustainability – Biodiversity, Climate, Agriculture and Food within Planetary Boundaries"
Leibniz Research Alliance "INFECTIONS in an Urbanizing World − Humans, Animals, Environments"
Leibniz Research Network "Earth & Societies" (E&S)
Leibniz Research Network "Environmental Crises – Crises Environments: The Contestation and Governance of Environmental Changes as Crisis" (CrisEn)
EU, FP 8: "Historical Grounding of Migration Decisions of the People at Environmental Risks" (HoMe)
EU, FP 8: COST Action "Natural Flood Retention on Private Land (LAND4FLOOD)"
EU, FP 7: "Smart Resilience Technology, Systems and Tools" (SMARTeST)
EU, FP 6: "Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies" (FLOODsite)
EU, FP 6, ERA-NET CRUE: "Flood Risk Management Strategies in European Member States" (FLOOD-ERA)
EU, FP 5: "Urban River Basin Enhancement Methods" (URBEM)
EU, ESPON: "The Spatial Effects and Management of Natural and Technological Hazards in General and in Relation to Climate Change" (ESPON HAZARDS)
EU, Interreg: "ELBE-LABE Flood Prevention through Transnational Spatial Planning" (ELLA)
DFG: "Metadata Management for Applied Sciences (MASi)"
DFG: "Water Yield Response to Changes in Land Use and Climate in the Jinghe River Basin, Northwest China"
BMBF: "Development and Testing of an Integrated Regional Climate Change Adaptation Programme for the Model Region Dresden" (REGKLAM)
BMBF/IOER: "International Water Alliance Saxony" (IWAS)
BMBF/IB (WTZ): "Scientific Preparation of a Water Balance Atlas for Western Ukraine"
BMBF, RIMAX: "Chance and Management of Risks of Extreme Flood Events in Large River Basins – the Example of the Elbe River" (VERIS-Elbe)
BMBF, RIMAX: "Development of a Pollutant Distribution Model for a Substance-Related Risk Analysis and Evaluation of Extreme Flood Events – the Example of the County and City of Bitterfeld" (SARISK)
BMBF, RIMAX: "International Teaching Module on Integrated Flood Risk Management of Extreme Events" (FLOODmaster)
BMBF, river basin management: "Management Options in the Havel River Catchment"
BMBF: "Global Change Impacts on the Water Balance of the Elbe River Basin – Results and Tools" (GLOWA-Elbe III)
UBA: "Analyse, Bewertung und Politikempfehlungen zur Anpassung nationaler rechtlicher, planerischer und informatorischer Politikinstrumente an den Klimawandel"
UBA: "Handlungsspielräume kleinerer und / oder finanzschwacher Kommunen zur Etablierung von Strategien und zur Durchführung von Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel"
PAKT: "Climate Change Adaptation through Spatial Planning – Basics, Strategies, Instruments" (KLIMAPAKT)
Leibniz Research Alliance "Crisis in a Globalised World"
DAAD-MÖB: "Suitability of Compromise Programming as a Land-Use Optimisation Approach considering Ecological Aspects"
Free State of Saxony: "Assessment and Prioritisation of Integrative Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change in Saxony" (Vulnerability Study Saxony – VusS)
IOER: "Planning Methods and Legal Regulations for Dealing with Uncertainties and Environmental Risks" (PRURISK)
IOER: "Programmes of Measures and Management Plans according to the Water Framework Directive"
IOER: "Basics on Environmental Risks in Urban and Regional Development" (GRUNDRISK)
IOER: "Regional Learning Processes involving an Environmental Information System – the Example of Flood Risk Management in the Weißeritz River Catchment" (Weißeritz-Regio)
IOER: "Cumulative Environmental Effects of Land-Use Change"
Graduate Schools
Joint PhD Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil, and Waste of United Nations University and Technische Universität Dresden
Joint Graduate School "Environment and Damage Prevention" of Universität Stuttgart, KIT and Technische Universität Dresden
Dresden Leibniz Graduate School of Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development and Technische Universität Dresden
Erasmus Mundus
Flood Risk Master Course in co-operation of UNESCO-IHE (NL), Technische Universität Dresden, Technical University of Catalonia (E) and University of Ljubljana (SLO)
International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for Developing Countries
Technische Universität Dresden
Master course "Spatial Development and Natural Resources"
Master courses "Geography" and "Ecosystem Services"
Master course "Hydro Science and Engineering"
E-learning-Programme "Integrated Water Resources Management" of the International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO) and Hydrology and Water Resources Programme (WMO)
Guest lectures in master courses and summer schools of Universities Padua, Usti nad Labem, Lviv and Bochum.
Continuous supervision of numerous PhD and master theses and international guest scientists.