Phone: +49 351 4679 246
Construction engineering, Solid construction, Building materials, Strengthening, Repair, Textile reinforced concrete, Carbon concrete
Material flow analyses, Resource conservation, Recycling, Circular economy, Social ecology, Green building
Environmental impacts on structures, Natural hazards, Risk assessment, Risk prevention measures, Uncertainty analyses
Head of the Research Area "Built Environment - Resources and Environmental Risks"
Head of the Research Area "Environmental Risks in Urban and Regional Development"
research associate at IÖR
teaching assignment at the Technische Universität Dresden for the module "Design of concrete structures" in the international master study course "Advanced computational and civil engineering structural studies (ACCESS)"
R&D responsibility at the institute of concrete structures
management of the DFG- Collaborative Research Centre 528
leadership of the research group "Textile reinforced concrete"
leadership of the work group "Textile reinforced concrete II"
research associate at the institute of concrete structures of the Technische Universität Dresden
habilitation at the faculty of civil engineering of the Technische Universität Dresden, venia legendi in Concrete Structures
doctorate at the faculty of civil engineering of the Technische Universität Dresden dealing with the topic "Investigations for the bond anchoring of textile reinforced fine-grained concrete strengthening layers of RC-members"
civil engineering studies at the Technische Universität Dresden,
field of study: construction engineering,
specialization: supporting construction,
topic of diploma thesis: "Reconstruction of pyramidal tower roof of church St. Lukas Dresden"
architecture studies at the Dortmund University
Member of the Young Forum of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig, engineering science group
AcademiaNet – Expert Database of Outstanding Female Academics
Working Group 1 of EU COST Action CA15115 "Mining the European Anthroposphere" (MINEA)
RILEM Technical Committee 232-TDT "Test methods and design of textile reinforced concrete" (cooperation 2011–2013)
WG "Textile reinforced concrete" of the speciality department CC TUDALIT of the Carbon Composites e.V. (CCeV)
Friends' association "Lukaskirche e.V." (technical advice and support for the planned reconstruction of the pyramidal tower roof)
Reviewer activities for different scientific journals (e.g. Building Research & Information, Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems, Advances in Structural Engineering, Journal of Composites for Construction, Journal of Cement and Concrete Research, Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Bautechnik)
German Sustainability Award 2022 in the category Research for the joint project "HeatResilientCity"
Outstanding Paper Award of Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (SASBE) Conference 2015, Pretoria, South Africa
Award Winner in Hornbach-competition in DFG-SPP 1542 "Form follows Force" for the development of a lightweight retaining wall element
Kurt-Beyer-Award 2008 (HOCHTIEF Construction AG) for outstanding results of dissertation
Dissertation Award of Commerzbank foundation 2007 for outstanding scientific work
IABSE Young Engineers Grant (International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering)
Kurt-Beyer-Award 2001 (HOCHTIEF Construction AG) for outstanding results of diploma thesis