Regional open space policy, landscape policy and planning, regional planning, inter-municipal cooperation, policy coordination and integration, landscape governance and wind power
Career Development Commissioner since 2008
Professional Experience
assistant to Prof. Harald Spehl, Chair of Urban and Regional Economics; title of dissertation / PhD thesis: "Basic principles of the coordination of environmental policy, regional policy and spatial planning" (Grundlagen der Koordination von Umweltpolitik, regionaler Wirtschaftspolitik und Raumplanung, Dresden 1996)
Since 1995
research associate and project leader / senior researcher with the IOER, first in the Department of Building Ecology, since 2002 in the Department of Regional Development and Landscape Ecology (DRDLE).
coordinator of research group "Sustainable Structural Change".
coordinator of the research field "Regional Development" in the DRDLE
economics at the University of Trier, including business administration and sociology, with a special focus on the area of labour, personnel and organisation. Master's thesis on "Environmental policy and employment" (Umweltpolitik und Beschäftigung, Nürnberg 1992) winning an award of the German Federal Labour Office