phone: +49 351 4679 148
As a data engineer with a background in landscape and environmental planning, Alex sees himself as a bridge between application-oriented disciplines and fundamental data research. His focus is on developing integrated solutions for more equitable public participation and decision-making using open source technology.
Tags: Crowdsourcing, Landscape Change, social Media, Landscape Perception
Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Dresden, Germany
Senior Scientist (tenure track), Transformative Capacities (FBT) & Research Data Centre (IOER-RDC)
Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Cartographic Communication, Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Research Associate, DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 'VGI: Interpretation, Visualisierung und Social Computing'
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, College of Environmental Design
International Research Scholar
Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Department of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning, Faculty of Architecture
Research Associate
Ph.D., Doctorate of Engineering in landscape and environmental planning (Degree: Dr.-Ing.), Dresden University of Technology (with highest honors); Topic: Assessing the perceived environment through crowdsourced spatial photo content for application to the fields of landscape and urban planning.
MA in Landscape Architecture, TU Dresden; (Degree: Dipl.-Ing.).
Peter Walker and Partners Landscape Architecture, Berkeley, USA
CMG Landscape Architecture, San Francisco, USA
Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation, Berlin-Brandenburg, Sanssouci, Potsdam, Germany
Nominated for Kurt-Beyer-Preis, TU Dresden
Research Fellowship, TU Dresden Graduate Academy
2015 Weddle Prize, Best Paper of the year Award for "Visualizing the perceived environment using crowd- sourced photo geodata" in Landscape and Urban Planning (Vol. 142)
Editors’ Choice for "Visualizing the perceived environment using crowdsourced photo geodata" in Landscape and Urban Planning (Vol. 142)
State of Saxony Fellowship
Travel Award, Friends of the Institute of Landscape Architecture, TU Dresden, for 2012 ASLA Conference, Phoenix, USA
Award in Research, American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Student Awards 2012